The event took place in Sephora Bucuresti Mall. The clients discovered the new Collistar Natura line and received skincare advices from the skincare specialist, Dana Sota. She made a demonstration about how to mix Transforming Essential Cream with natural ingredients and how to use the products correctly.
YouthCam Dr. Murad diagnostic method simulates skin addressing problems mentioned by customers and those identified by the Board of analysis.
The device photographs the skin on the face and examines the problems it identifies in depth offering a personalized treatment on the spot. The client receives the results instantly and is offered the Murad recipe.
The YouthCam software helps the MURAD certified specialist to recommend the appropriate treatment for any skin care problem.
For appointments see page Facebook / MuradRomania where you can find detailed product information and schedule consultations that will take place in a specially designed space in Sephora stores.
Givenchy invited women to a unique experience: a professional makeup done by Kaz Hiruma, International Make Up Artist Givenchy. Known for his ability to enhance the beauty of a woman’s eyes, Kaz’s makeup sessions are very popular with women of all ages. We invited all women in the Sephora shops to discover the latest Givenchy products and to pamper themselves with a makeup session done by a Givenchy make-up artist. If you purchase a Givenchy product you will receive an exclusive makeup session with Kaz Hiruma or the Givenchy makeup artist, Urania Iovanescu.
The makeup session took place in April, in Sephora Bucharest Mall and Sephora in Baneasa Shopping City.
Born in Tokyo, Kaz enrolled for in-depth studies of art and graphic design at the University of Tokyo, and received the excellence award while studying at the prestigious Christian Chauveau makeup school in Paris fact which made him well known in this industry. Kaz’s career as a freelancer took him from prestigious companies in the cosmetics industry to famous fashion house Emanuel Ungaro Haute Couture and Giorgio Armani, and exclusive clientele of international showbiz. His unmatched talent and his passion for beautiful things made him a star and one of the most acclaimed artists make up Givenchy.